Elite coaching

Intense group coaching for advanced trainees.

These sessions are specifically for developing individual potential and are for our more advanced trainees. Elite Sessions are proving to be increasingly popular due to the noticeable improvements seen.

  • These are for advanced cricketers
  • Take place from September to June
  • Intense training, targeted to develop all-round game
  • Focus on individual development
  • Fitness covered

Our Elite sessions are one of the many ways that CCA can offer sufficient support and encouragement to individuals with potential who may want to take up the game more seriously.

For more information please contact us 0116 2543333 or email info@citycricketacademy.co.uk

Player and parent reviews

“I started at CCA in 2006 and have improved so much every year by training there. At the start I couldn’t even jump off the correct foot when bowling and now open bowling for Hinckley Town 1stXI”

Zain Rizvi (young player)


Our on site shop, (Rhino Cricket) stocks all the latest Cricket equipment and leading brands at great prices. We supply extensive ranges of team wear and we also have a bat repair service available.

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Contact us

This website should tell you everything you need to know about City Cricket Academy and what coaching is right for your child or yourself.

If you have any questions please complete ask here, or call us on 0116 254 3333.


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